Often, we have hilarious moments at Above the Rest! After all, are working with balloons, so it’s a given, right?
One this particular day, I was teaching my staff members, Jennifer Hamilton and Piper Wells, how to stuff balloons.
How in the World Does that Become a Birth Control Lesson?
First you need to know the process for stuffing a balloon.
1. Inflate several balloons in the correct colors to less than 4″ in diameter. Easy peasy.
2. Inflate the foil balloon topper, the base balloons and the collar for the top. Still simple.
3. If there is any personalization to be done, then cut the vinyl.
4. Cut all ribbons that are accents for the balloon and writing the gift tag message.
5. Have confetti ready that goes inside the stuffed balloon.
6. If the we are putting in gifts, like cash, candy, jewelry, stuffed animal or other items provide by the client (all under 4″ in diameter), then those items are placed near the rest of the supplies.
I know, you’re still asking, “So how is the a birth control lesson?” Well, it’s not. Until….
We Reach the Magic Step…
Step No. 7 is the Magic Step, and the step that brought about a birth control lesson.
You see, Jen and I are both mothers. Piper is a college student and NOT a mother. Hold that thought in your mind…
Step 7 requires that we use an oversized balloon and place it inside our stuffing machine. Easy, right?
To do this, it requires using our Purple Stretcher Tool (looks like a cow castrating tool if you know what that is) to stretch the 1″ balloon neck over the top of the stuffer’s opening that happens to be 4″ in diameter….hmmm…. sound familiar moms?
Yes, I already hear you moms getting the picture!
The Stretching…(and the lesson)
Anyway, this stretching takes a lot of hand & arm strength plus patience. This particular time I proceeded to tear
at least 3 balloons making them useless. (And we know what happens after a “tear” moms)
Finally, I had the Purple Stretcher fully open to 4″. I was placing it over the top of the stuffer.
I requested that Jen help with the “stretching and thinning of the opening.”
There is was! The ensuing conversation went something like this…
Jen giggling, “This is just like the cervix opening when having a baby.”
Me, also laughing, “Indeed! Looks like are effaced about to a 2 and dilated to a 6.”
Jen, “Oh, we’ve got a ways to go.”
Piper is standing on the other side of the counter watching. Eyes getting wider by the moment
Me, “Man, we’ve got to get to a 10. Let’s stretch more. Pull.”
Jen, “We’ve got to get this baby out…”
Piper is turning red…
We moms keep on giggling and talking about stretching the cervix in preparation for “delivery.” Finally, full thinned and open to 4′. We’re ready!
Piper exclaims, “That’s it! I’m never having children, ever! That is so gross!”
We laughed and laughed (and we still tease her today whenever she has to “stretch the opening.”)
The End Result of all that Stretching?
Just like when having a baby, we get a beautiful “delivery” created that brings joy and smiles (and it doesn’t need to be fed or have a diaper changed, a real plus)
You see, after the Magic Step 7, we use our special inflator to inflate the large balloon. That’s Step 8. This creates a vacuum that keeps the balloon open so we can stuff the prepared items into it.
Step 9 is to release the vacuum and carefully get the balloon’s neck off the 4″ opening.
Followed by Step 10 which is making sure all items are arranged beautifully and tying the balloon.
Final steps are attaching the stuffed balloon to its base, adding the collar, topper, any personalization, ribbons and the gift tag.
The final result is an interactive, colorful design that completely surprises the recipient when they see it and when they pop-it to discover the surprises inside
For us, the result of that training session was
a lot of laughter and joyful memories…
and a short Birth Control lesson.
Hee Hee!
Because you are asking, “When would I want to use a stuffed balloon?”
It’s simple:
–for kids from 3 through teens–stuff with unsharp toys, stuffed animals, jewelry,
—for milestone birthdays like 16, 21, 30, 40, all the way to 100–stuff with gift cards, CASH, beer, wine, a small plant, shoes (yes, we can)
—for men–you know how hard they are to buy for! Again, gift cards, CASH, beer, baseball caps, small sports items.
—for gender reveals in a solid balloon stuffed with either pink or blue balloons and confetti
—for baby showers–clear or solid, stuffed with fun baby gifts like onesies, pacifiers, bottles, and all sorts of other items for baby needs
—for baby arrival and stuffed with gift cards, $$$,
—for giving her the ring (what a cool way to present the ring)
—for bridal showers stuffed with gift cards, cash, small kitchen (unsharp) items, wine,
—for the reception same as above or more
Just Because
—to tweens or teenagers because they are so very stressed right now and JUST need a PICK ME UP!
—to your staff for appreciation and motivation–fill it with notes of appreciation along with a gift card.
—to your better half just because (of course, they will suspect you’ve messed up, but what the heck, do it anyway.
—imagine how much your child’s teacher would love receiving a note of appreciation from parents and students all wrapped up inside this colorful gift that also contains gift cards or cash. It will be a long-time memory for sure (and likely to bring tears along with the smiles. I should know I’m an old teacher and would have loved that as a gift.)

—Elf arrival time at Christmas (People LOVE them!) Yes, the elf goes inside!
—Valentine’ Day stuffed with love notes, jewelry, sweets, and more
—Easter stuffed with yummy sweet treats
—Mother’s Day stuffed with love notes of appreciation, a gift card like for a massage, or whatever you think is awesome for mom.
You can see there are almost endless reasons to send a Pop-it Balloon, and we can create it for whatever reason you want in your chosen colors.
Just check out the links or call (865)-719-8110 if you don’t see what you want.
We will listen and then create just for you.
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